
Georg Ruby

· Pianist
· Clarinetist
· Composer
· Arranger
· Leader of jazz orchestras
· Professor of Jazz and Improvised Music
· Coach
· Radio host
· Initiator of the label JazzHausMusik (Cologne)

* 1953 in Diez/Lahn (FRG) - lives in Hofweiler near Trier

1978-1982: studies: clarinet and piano at the Musikhochschule Köln

1978: founding member of the "Initiative Kölner Jazz Haus" / "Offene Jazz- Haus-Schule" / "Stadtgarten Köln" (institutions of the "Initiative Kölner Jazz Haus")

1980-1997: musical director of the Jazz Orchestra Rhineland-Palatinate (JORP / an institution of the of the Ministry of Culture of Rhineland-Palatinate)

1998-2003: musical director of the Berlin Youth Jazz Orchestra (BJJO / an institution of the Landesmusikrat Berlin).

2004-2011: musical director of the JugendJazzOrchesterSaar (JJOSaar / an institution of the Landesmusikrat of the Saarland).

1994-2019 Professor at the Universitiy of Music Saar (HFM) in Saarbrücken, head of the Department "Jazz and Improvised Music".

1990-1998: co-host of radio show "Jazz" on WDR 1 (Cologne).

Workshops in the subjects "Jazz-Arrangement" and - "Harmony Theory", "Big Band", "Jazz-Combo", "Jazz-Piano" on behalf of the Goethe-Institute, the state music councils of Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Berlin, at various German conservatories, at the Rostov University of Music (Russia), University of Illinois (USA), Vittebsk University of Music (Russia), Mexico City Conservatory of Music and many more.

Jury member at national and national and international competitions for jazz and improvised music of the German of the German Music Council, many music colleges in Germany and abroad and on behalf of the state music Berlin, Rhineland- Palatinate, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Saarland

Curator of the event series "Off Zone" and "Village Zone" of the STADTGARTEN in Cologne

2017: author of the story "Meereswege" / published in "WORTSCHAU" - Magazin für Gegenwartsliteratur"

2019: appointed as a juror of the "Akademie der Darstellende Künste" for the "Radio Play of the Month 2019" and the "Radio Play of the Year 2019" respectively

since 1986: Georg Ruby is initiator of the jazz label JazzHausMusik (Cologne) with currently 316 productions of which have six been awarded the German Record Critics' Prize critics.

see also: Wikipedia


1987: The production "Ruby Domesticus Vulgaris" (Georg Ruby & Wollie Kaiser) (JHM 026) is presented at the Cadence-Poll/New York as "best foreign production of the year".

1996: Georg Ruby & Blue Art Orchestra become prize-winners of the German Orchestral competition 1996 in Gera.

2012: The production "Deuxième Bureau" (Georg Ruby & Michel Pilz) (JHM 205) is awarded by THE NEW YORK CITY JAZZ RECORD as "album of the year 2011".

2018: The production Georg Ruby Piano Solo - "Windmills" (JHM 249) is nominated for the "Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik" 1/2018 (longlist).

2019: The production VILLAGE ZONE (JHM 262) - with Stephan Goldbach and Daniel Weber - is nominated for the "Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik" 3/2019 (longlist) and is selected among the "twelve best foreign productions of 2019" by ALL ABOUT JAZZ.

Concerts / Tours

International Jazzfestival Athens (GR) / Jazzfestival Barcelona (E) / Jazzfest Berlin (D) / Philharmony Bratislava (CZ) / Chicago (USA) / Jazz-Festival „Post This Neo That“ (Cologne, D) / Triennale Cologne (D) / Jazzfestival Copenhagen (DK) / / Jazzfestival Echternach (L) / Guadalajara (MEX) / Documenta Kassel (D) / International Jazz-Festival „JazzArt“ Katowice (PL) / Jazzfestival Kiew (UA) / Goethe-Institute Krakow (PL) / Leverkusener Jazztage (D) / Jazzfestival Goethe-Institute Lisbon (P) / London (GB) / Goethe-Institute Nancy (F) / „Rendevouz de l’Erdre“ Nantes (F) / Abbaye de Neumünster (L) / International Jazzfestival Lyon (F) / Marseilles (F) / Jazzfestival Mexico-City (MEX) / Milan (I) / Jazz-Festival Moers (D) / Jazz-Festival Moscow (RUS) / Festival „Cologne Meets New York“ (New York City, USA) / Knitting Factory New York City (USA) / International Jazzfestival Odessa (UA) / Jazzfestival Panama (PA) / Radio France Paris (F) / Prague (CZ) / Rostow (RUS) / Jazz-Festival San José (CR) / International Jazzfestival St. Petersburg/Leningrad (RUS) / Goethe-Institut Tegucigalpa (HN) / International Jazzfestival Valetta (M) / German Embassy Warsaw (PL) / Goethe-Institute Warsaw (PL) / Wrocław (PL).